26:2F-6.1 - Public health priority funds for each municipality; determination;  formula

26:2F-6.1.  Public health priority funds for each municipality; determination;  formula
    Public health priority funds for each municipality within the local health agency shall be determined by the following formula:

     PHPF=(p/c factor  x  nip  x  (2-rfs)) + (p/c factor  x  snp)

          PHPF    =Public health priority fund

              p/c factor=Per capita amount deemed necessary to provide priority health services

          NIP      =Noninstitutional population

          SNP      =Special needs population

              RFS      =The relative fair share factor of a municipality, and is  the ratio that the equalized valuation of a municipality divided by its noninstitutional population bears to the total equalized valuation of all municipalities divided by the noninstitutional population of the State.  The equalized valuation for each municipality is the equalized valuation promulgated by the Director of the Division of Taxation pursuant to P.L.1954, c. 86 (C. 54:1-35.1) plus the amount determined by dividing the sum of the amounts received by the municipality for personal property tax replacement pursuant to P.L.1966, c. 135 (C. 54:11D-1 et seq.) and from public utility franchise and gross receipt taxes pursuant to P.L.1940, c. 4 (C. 54:30A-16 et seq.) by the equalized tax rate of the municipality.  The equalized tax rate of  a municipality is determined by dividing the amount on which the local tax rate  is computed, as indicated in the table of aggregates prepared pursuant to R.S.  54:4-52, by the equalized valuation promulgated by the Director of the Division  of Taxation.   For any municipality whose ratio is one-half or less, its factor  shall be zero. For any municipality whose ratio is greater than two, its  factor is two.

     L.1977, c. 332, s. 4, eff. Jan. 23, 1978.