26:2F-2.1 - Legislative findings and declaration

26:2F-2.1.  Legislative findings and declaration
    The Legislature finds and declares that there exists in New Jersey a serious  and increasing incidence of various communicable and chronic diseases such as  cancer, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, venereal disease, alcoholism and  drug abuse which requires a continuing commitment of public health personnel  and resources;  and that there has been in recent years a diminished financial  support for agencies engaged in providing primary prevention programs.

    The Legislature also recognizes that there exists a framework for the provision of such services at the municipal, regional and county levels but that changing socio-economic, environmental and technological conditions warrant a redirection of the ways of addressing these health problems.  The Legislature finds that there should be provided funds to support certain public  health priority activities.

     L.1977, c. 332, s. 2, eff. Jan. 23, 1978.