26:2F-13 - Failure to provide or meet standards for priority health services; reduction or discontinuance of aid; late application or report; penalty
26:2F-13. Failure to provide or meet standards for priority health services; reduction or discontinuance of aid; late application or report; penalty
When it has been determined that a local health agency fails to provide priority health services in accordance with standards of performance called for in its plan of work as stated in its application for public health priority funds or ceases to comply with the criteria for participation, public health priority funds may be reduced or discontinued by the commissioner when, in his judgment, such action serves to further the general purposes of this act. When it has been determined that a local health agency fails to meet the dates established pursuant to sections 9 and 14 of P.L.1966, c. 36 (C. 26:2F-9 and C. 26:2F-14) for submission of the application for public health priority funds or required reports, public health priority funds will be reduced by one day's allocation of the total amount, for each day that the application or report is late. This penalty may be waived, or modified, at the discretion of the commissioner for good cause shown. The penalty may be imposed by decreasing the local health agency allocation of public health funds for the following year.
L.1966, c. 36, s. 13. Amended by L.1977, c. 332, s. 10, eff. Jan. 23, 1978.