26:2D-34 - Suspension, revocation, censure or other discipline

26:2D-34.  Suspension, revocation, censure or other discipline
    a.  The license of a radiologic technologist may be suspended for a fixed period, or may be revoked, or the technologist may be censured, reprimanded or otherwise disciplined, in accordance with the provisions and procedures defined  in this act, if after due hearing it is determined that he:

    (1) Is guilty of any fraud or deceit in his activities as a radiologic technologist or has been guilty of any fraud or deceit in procuring his license;

    (2) Has been convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction, either within or without this State, of a crime involving moral turpitude, except that if the  conviction has been reversed and the holder of the license discharged or acquitted, or if he has been pardoned or his civil rights restored, the license  may be restored to him;

    (3) Is or has been afflicted with any medical problem, disability, or addiction which, in the opinion of the board, would impair his professional competence;

    (4) Has aided and abetted a person who is not a licensed radiologic technologist or otherwise authorized pursuant to section 4 of this act in engaging in the activities of a radiologic technologist;

    (5) Has undertaken or engaged in any practice beyond the scope of the authorized activities of a radiologic technologist pursuant to this act;

    (6) Has falsely impersonated a duly licensed or former duly licensed radiologic technologist or is engaging in the activities of a radiologic technologist under an assumed name;

    (7) Has been guilty of unethical conduct as defined by rules promulgated by  the commission;

    (8) Has continued to practice without obtaining a license renewal as required by this act;

    (9) Has applied ionizing radiation to a human being without the specific direction of a duly licensed practitioner as defined herein;  or to any person or part of the human body outside the scope of his specific authorization;

    (10) Has acted or is acting as an owner, co-owner, or employer in any enterprise engaged in the application of ionizing radiation to human beings for  the purpose of diagnostic interpretation, chiropractic analysis, or the treatment of disease;

    (11) Has expressed to a member of the public an interpretation of a diagnostic x-ray film or fluorescent image;

    (12) Has used or is using the prefix  "Dr.,"  unless entitled to do so pursuant to a degree granted, the word  "doctor"  or any suffix or affix to indicate or imply that the radiologic technologist is a duly licensed practitioner as defined herein when not so licensed;

    (13) Is or has been guilty of incompetence or negligence in his activities as a radiologic technologist.

    b.  Proceedings against any radiologic technologist under this section shall  be instituted by filing with the board a written charge or charges under oath  against the radiologic technologist.  The charges may be preferred by any  person, corporation, association or public officer, or by the board in the  first instance.  A copy thereof, together with a report of the investigation as  the board shall deem proper, shall be referred to the commission for its  recommendation to the commissioner.  If the commissioner determines the matter  to be a contested case, he shall either designate three or more members of the  board as a committee to hear and report on the charges and shall set a time and  place for the hearing or shall refer the matter to the Office of Administrative  Law for hearing before an administrative law judge, pursuant to the   "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c. 410 (C. 52:14B-1 et seq.).  For  the purpose of this section, the board, its committee or the administrative law  judge shall have power to issue subpenas for the appearance of witnesses, and  to take testimony under oath.  Upon review of the record of the hearing, the  commissioner may affirm, modify or reject the written report and recommendation  of the committee or the administrative law judge.  If the commissioner finds  that the charges have not been proved, he shall order them dismissed.  If the charges are found to be true, the commissioner may, in his discretion, issue an  order suspending or revoking the license of the accused, or otherwise disciplining him.

    c.  When the license of any person has been revoked or annulled, as herein provided, the board may, after the expiration of 2 years, accept an application  for restoration of the license.

     L.1981, c. 295, s. 11, eff. Oct. 9, 1981.