26:2D-25 - Short title

26:2D-25.  Short title
    This act shall be known and may be cited as the  "Radiologic Technologist Act."

     L.1981, c. 295, s. 2, eff. Oct. 9, 1981.
26:2D-26  Definitions.
3.As used in this act:

a."Board" means the Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners created pursuant to section 5 of this act.

b."License" means a certificate issued by the board authorizing the licensee to use equipment emitting ionizing radiation on human beings for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in accordance with the provisions of this act.

c."Chest x-ray technologist" means a person, other than a licensed practitioner, whose practice of radiologic technology is limited to the chest area for diagnostic purposes only.

d."Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.

e."Dental x-ray technologist" means a person, other than a licensed practitioner, whose practice of radiologic technology is limited to intraoral radiography for diagnostic purposes only.

f."Health physicist" means a person who is certified by the American Board of Health Physics or the American Board of Radiology in radiation physics.

g."Licensed practitioner" means a person licensed or otherwise authorized by law to practice medicine, dentistry, dental hygiene, podiatric medicine, osteopathy or chiropractic.

h."Radiation therapy technologist" means a person, other than a licensed practitioner, whose application of radiation on human beings is for therapeutic purposes.

i."Diagnostic x-ray technologist" means a person, other than a licensed practitioner, whose application of radiation on human beings is for diagnostic purposes.

j."Radiologic technologist" means any person who is licensed pursuant to this act.

k."Radiologic technology" means the use of equipment emitting ionizing radiation on human beings for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes under the supervision of a licensed practitioner.

l."Podiatric x-ray technologist" means a person, other than a licensed practitioner, whose practice of radiologic technology is limited to the operation of x-ray machines as used by podiatrists on the lower leg, foot and ankle area for diagnostic purposes only.

m."Orthopedic x-ray technologist" means a person, other than a licensed practitioner, whose practice of radiologic technology is limited to the spine and extremities for diagnostic purposes only.

n."Urologic x-ray technologist" means a person, other than a licensed practitioner, whose practice of radiologic technology is limited to the abdomen and pelvic area for diagnostic purposes only.

L.1981,c.295,s.3; amended 1984, c.242, s.1; 1985, c.540, s.1; 2005, c.259, s.31.
26:2D-27  X-ray technologist licenses.
4. a. Except as hereinafter provided, no person other than a licensed practitioner or the holder of a license as provided in this act shall use x-rays on a human being.

b.A person holding a license as a diagnostic x-ray technologist may use the title "licensed radiologic technologist" or the letters (LRT) (R) after his name.  No other person shall be entitled to use the title or letters, or any other title or letters after his name that indicate or imply that he is a licensed diagnostic x-ray technologist; nor may any person hold himself out in any way, whether orally or in writing, expressly or by implication, as a licensed diagnostic technologist.

c.A person holding a limited license as a chest x-ray technologist may use the title "licensed chest x-ray technologist" or the letters (LRT)(C) after his name.  No other person shall be entitled to use the title or letters, or any other title or letters after his name that indicate or imply that he is a licensed chest x-ray technologist; nor may any person hold himself out in any way, whether orally or in writing, expressly or by implication, as a licensed chest x-ray technologist.

d.A person holding a limited license as a dental x-ray technologist may use the title "licensed dental x-ray technologist" or the letters (LRT)(D) after his name.  No other person shall be entitled to use the title or letters, or any other title or letters after his name that indicate or imply that he is a licensed dental x-ray technologist; nor may any person hold himself out in any way, whether orally or in writing, expressly or by implication, as a licensed dental x-ray technologist.

e.A person holding a license as a radiation therapy technologist may use the title "licensed therapy technologist" or (LRT)(T) after his name. No other person shall be entitled to use the title or letters, or any other title or letters after his name that indicate or imply that he is a licensed therapy technologist; nor may any person hold himself out in any way, whether orally or in writing, expressly or by implication, as a licensed therapy technologist.

f.A person holding a license as provided by this act shall use medical equipment emitting ionizing radiation on human beings only for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes on a case by case basis at the specific direction of a licensed practitioner, and only if the application of the equipment is limited in a manner hereinafter specified.

g.Nothing in the provisions of this act relating to radiologic technologists shall be construed to limit, enlarge or affect, in any respect, the practice of their respective professions by duly licensed practitioners.

h.The requirement of a license shall not apply to a hospital resident specializing in radiology, who is not a licensed practitioner in the State of New Jersey, or a student enrolled in and attending a school or college of medicine, osteopathy, podiatric medicine, dentistry, dental hygiene, dental assistance, chiropractic or radiologic technology, who applies radiation to a human being while under the direct supervision of a licensed practitioner.

i.A person holding a license as a diagnostic x-ray technologist and a license as a radiation therapy technologist may use the letters (LRT)(R)(T) after his name.

j.A person holding a limited license as a podiatric x-ray technologist may use the title "licensed podiatric x-ray technologist" or the letters (LRT)(P) after his name.  No other person shall be entitled to use the title or letters, or any other title or letters after his name that indicate or imply that he is a licensed podiatric x-ray technologist; nor may any person hold himself out in any way, whether orally or in writing, expressly or by implication, as a licensed podiatric x-ray technologist.

k.A person holding a limited license as an orthopedic x-ray technologist may use the title "licensed orthopedic x-ray technologist" or the letters (LRT)(O) after his name.  No other person shall be entitled to use the title or letters, or any other title or letters after his name that indicate or imply that he is a licensed orthopedic x-ray technologist; nor may any person hold himself out in any way, whether orally or in writing, expressly or by implication, as a licensed orthopedic x-ray technologist.

l.A person holding a limited license as a urologic x-ray technologist may use the title "licensed urologic x-ray technologist" or the letters (LRT)(U) after his name.  No other person shall be entitled to use the title or letters, or any other title or letters after his name that indicate or imply that he is a licensed urologic x-ray technologist; nor may any person hold himself out in any way, whether orally or in writing, expressly or by implication, as a licensed urologic x-ray technologist.

L.1981,c.295,s.4; amended 1984, c.242, s.2; 1985, c.540, s.2; 2005, c.259, s.32.
26:2D-28  Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners.
5. a. There is created a Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners which shall be an agency of the Commission on Radiation Protection in the Department of Environmental Protection and which shall report to the commission.  The board shall consist of two commission members appointed annually to the membership of the board by the chairman of the commission, and 13 additional members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Of the members appointed by the Governor, two shall be radiologists who have practiced not less than five years; one shall be a licensed physician who has actively engaged in the practice of medicine not less than five years; one shall be a licensed dentist who has actively engaged in the practice of dentistry for not less than five years; one shall be a licensed podiatrist who has actively engaged in the practice of podiatric medicine for not less than five years; one shall be an administrator of a general hospital with at least five years' experience; one shall be a health physicist who has practiced not less than five years; three shall be practicing radiologic technologists with at least five years of experience in the practice of radiologic technology and holders of current certificates issued pursuant to this act; two shall be members of the general public; and one shall be a representative of the department designated by the Governor pursuant to subsection c. of section 2 of P.L.1971, c.60 (C.45:1-2.2).

b.The terms of office of the members appointed by the Governor shall be three years.  Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term only in the manner provided for the original appointment.

c.Members of the board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary traveling and other expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.

d.The commissioner shall designate an officer or employee of the department to act as secretary of the board who shall not be a member of the board.

e.The board, for the purpose of transacting its business, shall meet at least once every four months at times and places fixed by the board. At its first meeting each year it shall organize and elect from its members a chairman.  Special meetings also may be held at times as the board may fix, or at the call of the chairman or the commissioner. A written and timely notice of the time, place and purpose of any special meeting shall be mailed by the secretary to all members of the board.

f.A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting.

L.1981,c.295,s.5;  amended 1984, c.242, s.3; 1985, c.540, s.3; 1987, c.121; 2005, c.259, s.33.