26:2C-8.34 - Submissions to DEP by owner of regulated vehicle, equipment

26:2C-8.34  Submissions to DEP by owner of regulated vehicle, equipment.
9. a. Except as otherwise provided for in this section, any owner of a regulated vehicle or regulated equipment shall submit to the Department of Environmental Protection:

(1)an inventory of all on-road diesel vehicles and off-road diesel equipment owned, operated, or leased by the owner;

(2)notice by the owner that the owner shall comply with the requirements of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.26 et al.) through the use of the best available retrofit technologies as designated and provided for under the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28), or that the owner cannot comply in that manner and is submitting a fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan;

(3)the fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan being submitted in lieu of complying through the use of the best available retrofit technologies as designated and provided for under the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of  P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28), if the owner has elected to do so; and

(4)an estimate of the cost of any retrofit device and any cost associated with the installation of that retrofit device, in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28).

The department may disapprove any notice submitted pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection by an owner complying with the requirements as designated and provided for under the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28), if the department determines that the costs or cost estimates, submitted pursuant to paragraph (4) of this subsection, for the best available retrofit technology described in the notice, are unreasonable based upon criteria including, but not limited to, prevailing market rates and acquisition by the State of comparable technology.  If the department makes such a determination, the department shall enter into negotiations with the owner to resolve the discrepancy.  For owners complying by submitting a fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan pursuant to this subsection, the department shall review any notice, plan, cost, or cost estimate in accordance with the provisions of section 10 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.35).

b.Each owner of a regulated vehicle or regulated equipment shall make the submittals required pursuant to subsection a. in accordance with the following schedule:

(1)for regulated solid waste vehicles, no later than 180 days after the effective date of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28);

(2)for public regulated commercial buses, no later than one year after the effective date of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28);

(3)for private regulated commercial buses, no later than one year and 180 days after the effective date of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28); and

(4)for regulated on-road diesel vehicles and regulated equipment other than regulated solid waste vehicles and regulated commercial buses, no later than four years after the effective date of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28).

c.No owner of a private regulated commercial bus shall be required to make any submittal pursuant to subsection b. of this section until the owners of public regulated commercial buses have made their submittals required pursuant to that subsection, and no installation and use of a retrofit device on a private regulated commercial bus may be required earlier than 180 days after the owners of public regulated commercial buses have been required to install and have begun the use of retrofit devices on public regulated commercial buses.

d.The owner of regulated vehicles or regulated equipment who commences operation of a fleet after the effective date of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28) shall make the submittals required pursuant to subsection a. of this section within 180 days after the date on which they began operations, or the date provided in subsection b. of this section, whichever is later.

e.The owner of regulated vehicles or regulated equipment may coordinate or combine the development of a fleet retrofit plan with the development of a fleet retrofit plan of any other owner, or a group of owners, of regulated vehicles or regulated equipment, and with the guidance of the Department of Environmental Protection submit a combined fleet retrofit plan.

f.The fleet retrofit plan submitted pursuant to subsection a. of this section shall include a description by the owner of the best available retrofit technology and the specific regulated vehicle or piece of regulated equipment on which the specific best available retrofit technology would be used, as determined by the owner pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28).

g.If the owner of regulated vehicles or regulated equipment determines that the best available retrofit technology as required under the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28) is not feasible for a specific regulated vehicle or pieces of regulated equipment, the owner may document this determination in the fleet retrofit plan and request the use of another level of best available retrofit technology to meet the requirement for that specific regulated vehicle or piece of regulated equipment, or provide documentation as to why the owner cannot use the best available retrofit technology that is required. The owner may also propose and negotiate an enforceable commitment to:

(1)retire the regulated vehicle or piece of regulated equipment and replace it with a vehicle  or piece of equipment certified to fine particle emission levels at or below the emission levels that would have been achieved by the use of the required best available retrofit technology; or

(2)replace the engine of the vehicle or the equipment with an engine certified to that fine particle emissions level.

h.The owner of 75 or more regulated vehicles or pieces of regulated equipment, or any group of owners who elect to develop a combined fleet retrofit plan pursuant to subsection e. of this section under which 75 or more regulated vehicles or pieces of regulated equipment would be regulated, may propose to the Department of Environmental Protection a fleet averaging plan, in lieu of a fleet retrofit plan or a combined fleet retrofit plan, for the fleet or fleets affected.  The owner or owners may propose a fleet averaging plan provided that the total net percent reductions in fine particle emissions under the proposed fleet averaging plan are equivalent to the estimated reductions in fine particle emissions that would have been achieved by the owner if a fleet retrofit plan were submitted and implemented for the regulated vehicles or regulated equipment, or both, or by the owners if the owners had submitted and implemented a combined fleet retrofit plan for their regulated vehicles or regulated equipment, or both, as calculated pursuant to the provisions of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28).  The owner or group of owners may propose achieving fine particle emissions reductions from any on-road diesel vehicle, off-road diesel equipment, regulated vehicle, or regulated equipment owned by the owner or group of owners, or the retirement of any of those vehicles or equipment, and shall submit the proposed fleet averaging plan to the department as required by the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28).

i.A fleet averaging plan proposed pursuant to subsection h. of this section that proposes the use of retrofit devices on any on-road diesel vehicle, off-road diesel equipment, regulated vehicle, or regulated equipment shall include: (1) a description by the owner of the best available retrofit technology and the specific vehicle or equipment on which the specific best available retrofit technology would be used, the specific vehicle or equipment to be retired, and how the required fine particle reductions shall be achieved through a combination of the use of best available retrofit technology on the specific vehicles or equipment; and (2) other measures or applications of best available retrofit technology consistent with the provisions of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28).

j.The Department of Environmental Protection shall give due consideration in the application of the fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan requirements to any efforts or actions by owners of regulated vehicles or regulated equipment who voluntarily retrofit, retire, or repower vehicles or equipment prior to the adoption of rules and regulations pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28), and may modify any of the requirements of this section for such an owner in order to provide such due consideration.

k.The Department of Environmental Protection shall provide any technical guidance needed in preparing the fleet retrofit plans, combined fleet retrofit plans, and fleet averaging plans required pursuant to this section and any revisions, supplements, or modifications thereto required pursuant to P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.26 et al.).

l.No owner of regulated vehicles or regulated equipment shall be required to install or use a retrofit device on a regulated vehicle or regulated equipment as required pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28) or under a plan submitted pursuant to this section in any year unless the State Treasurer certifies for that year that the constitutionally dedicated moneys have been deposited in the Diesel Risk Mitigation Fund and the Department of Environmental Protection certifies that sufficient moneys are available in the fund to pay the cost of purchase and installation of the retrofit devices required to be used by rule and regulation or under an approved fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan or supplement or modification thereto, as applicable, by an owner in that year.

Provided that the State Treasurer has issued the certification that the constitutionally dedicated moneys have been deposited in the fund for that year, the department may determine the amount of moneys available in the fund for that year, require the purchase and installation of those retrofit devices in those regulated vehicles or pieces of regulated equipment for which sufficient moneys are available, and certify that sufficient moneys are available for those retrofit devices to be purchased for, and installed in, those regulated vehicles or pieces of regulated equipment.

L.2005,c.219,s.9; amended 2006, c.94, s.2.