26:2C-8.32 - Study to identify, quantify sources of fine particles in cabin of regulated school buses

26:2C-8.32  Study to identify, quantify sources of fine particles in cabin of regulated school buses.

7. a. Within two years after the effective date of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.26 et al.), the Department of Environmental Protection shall complete a study to identify and quantify the sources of fine particles present in the cabin of a regulated school bus.  The study shall:

(1)evaluate the relative contribution of emissions from both the crankcase and the tailpipe to in-cabin levels of fine particles; and

(2)evaluate the feasibility of requiring, and the environmental and health benefits of the reduction of fine particle levels from school bus tailpipe emissions through the use of additional retrofit devices.

b.If the Department of Environmental Protection finds as a result of the study conducted pursuant to subsection a. of this section that technologically feasible reductions in tailpipe emissions would significantly reduce the health risks associated with exposure of children to fine particles in the cabin of a standard school bus, the department may require the use of additional best available retrofit technologies in or on regulated school buses.  If the department makes such a finding pursuant to the study, the department shall adopt, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), rules and regulations establishing:

(1)the best available retrofit technologies that regulated school buses shall be required to use, according to type, class, and other identifying vehicle information as designated by the department in these rules and regulations; and

(2)the requirements for submitting a fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan that are consistent with the requirements and provisions of section 9 and section 10 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.34 and C.26:2C-8.35) and the requirements for implementing the use of best available retrofit technologies for any owner who elects not to submit such a plan.

No use of additional best available retrofit technologies in or on regulated school buses may be required pursuant to this subsection for regulated school buses scheduled to be in service for less than two years on or after the date of notification pursuant to subsection d. of this section.  No provision of the rules and regulations may require an owner of a regulated school bus to make a submittal to the department except as provided by this section.

c.No owner of a regulated school bus shall be required to install or use a retrofit device on a regulated school bus as required pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to subsection b. of this section or pursuant to any part of a plan submitted pursuant to subsection e. of this section unless:

(1)the State Treasurer certifies that the constitutionally dedicated moneys have been deposited in the Diesel Risk Mitigation Fund for that year; and

(2)the Department of Environmental Protection certifies that sufficient moneys are available in the fund to pay for the cost of purchase and installation of the retrofit device required to be used by rule or regulation or by a provision of a plan submitted pursuant to subsection e. of this section in that given year.

Provided that the State Treasurer has issued the certification required under paragraph (1) of this subsection for that year, the department may determine the amount of moneys available in the fund for that year, require the purchase and installation of those retrofit devices in those regulated school buses for which sufficient moneys are available, and certify that sufficient moneys are available for those retrofit devices in those regulated school buses.

d.The Department of Environmental Protection shall notify each owner of a regulated school bus of the adoption of the rules and regulations pursuant to subsection b. of this section and the provisions of those rules and regulations.  In establishing additional requirements pursuant to subsection b. of this section, the department shall require the compliance of regulated school buses before the compliance of other vehicles and equipment required to use best available retrofit technologies pursuant to P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.26 et al.).  The State Treasurer shall prioritize the use of dedicated moneys in the Diesel Risk Mitigation Fund to allow for regulated school bus compliance with the provisions of this section, and shall prioritize payments made from the fund for regulated school buses complying with these additional requirements.

e.If rules and regulations are adopted pursuant to subsection b. of this section, each owner of a regulated school bus shall submit to the Department of Environmental Protection:

(1)an inventory of the diesel-powered school buses that are owned by the owner;

(2)notice by the owner that the owner shall comply with the requirements of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.26 et al.) through the use of the best available retrofit technologies as designated and provided for under the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to subsection b. of this section, or that the owner cannot comply in that manner and is submitting a fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan; and

(3)the fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan being submitted in lieu of complying through the use of the best available retrofit technologies as designated and provided for under the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.26 et al.), if the owner has elected to do so.

The owner shall make these submittals no later than 180 days after the effective date of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to subsection b. of this section, or the date on or by which both certifications required pursuant to subsection c. of this section have been made, whichever is later.

f.No later than 180 days after the date of the submittals and notice pursuant to subsection e. of this section, the Department of Environmental Protection shall review, approve, and resolve any discrepancies concerning any submitted fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan, and shall issue final approval of the submitted plan.  Any supplements or modifications to the fleet retrofit plan, combined fleet retrofit plan, or fleet averaging plan submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be made pursuant to section 10 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.35).

g.The department shall provide a one-page compliance form to each owner of a regulated school bus that submits a notice to comply pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection e. of this section for each regulated school bus required to use best available retrofit technologies.  The compliance form shall be similar to the compliance form issued pursuant to section 17 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.42) and shall be consistent with the provisions of subsection b. of that section.  The department shall issue with the compliance form a notice of instructions describing the purpose of, and the procedures for completion of the compliance form, and the requirement to keep the compliance form with the regulated vehicle, or other vehicle included in a fleet averaging plan or modification thereto, for the life of the vehicle.

The owner of the regulated school bus shall complete the compliance form, retain a copy for the owner's records, and return it to the department as soon as practicable after the installation of, or commencement of the use of, the best available retrofit technologies required pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to subsection b. of this section.  The department shall review the compliance forms submitted and shall forward them to the State Treasurer, who shall reimburse each owner of a regulated school bus the cost of any retrofit device and the costs associated with the installation thereof, in accordance with the provisions of sections 28 through 31, inclusive, of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.53 through C.26:2C-8.56).
