26:2C-8.31 - Closed crankcase technology for regulated school buses

26:2C-8.31  Closed crankcase technology for regulated school buses.

6. a. No later than two years after the effective date of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.26 et al.), or two years after the date on or by which both certifications required in this subsection have been made, whichever is later, every owner of a regulated school bus shall have installed on the regulated school bus closed crankcase technology as specified by the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.28).

No owner of a regulated school bus shall be required to install closed crankcase technology pursuant to this subsection unless:

(1)the State Treasurer certifies in each of the two years after the effective date of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.26 et al.) that the constitutionally dedicated moneys have been deposited in the Diesel Risk Mitigation Fund; and

(2)the Department of Environmental Protection certifies that sufficient moneys are available in the fund to pay the cost of purchase and installation of the closed crankcase technology required pursuant to this subsection in that two-year period.

Provided that the State Treasurer has issued the certification required under paragraph (1) of this subsection for that year, the department may determine the amount of moneys available in the fund for that year, require the purchase and installation of those retrofit devices in those regulated vehicles or pieces of regulated equipment for which sufficient moneys are available, and certify that sufficient moneys are available for those retrofit devices in those regulated vehicles or pieces of equipment.

b.The Department of Environmental Protection shall provide, and each owner of a regulated school bus shall obtain from the department, a compliance form for each regulated school bus.  The owner of the regulated school bus shall submit a cost estimate to the department detailing the cost of any retrofit device to be installed as part of the closed crankcase technology and any cost associated with the installation of the closed crankcase technology prior to its purchase or installation.  The department may determine whether the estimated costs are unreasonable, based upon criteria including, but not limited to, prevailing market rates and acquisition by the State of comparable technology.  If the department makes such a determination, the department shall enter into negotiations with the owner of the regulated school bus to resolve the discrepancy.

The owner of the regulated school bus shall complete the compliance form, retain a copy for the owner's records, and return it to the department as soon as practicable after the installation of the closed crankcase technology to verify compliance with the requirements of subsection a. of this section and to seek reimbursement for the cost of the closed crankcase technology.  The compliance form shall include the cost of any retrofit device installed as part of the closed crankcase technology and any cost associated with the installation of the closed crankcase technology.  After the installation of the closed crankcase technology on a regulated school bus, a copy of the completed compliance form shall be kept on each regulated school bus at all times.

c.The department shall review the compliance forms submitted pursuant to subsection b. of this section and forward them to the State Treasurer.  The State Treasurer shall reimburse each owner of a regulated school bus the cost of any retrofit device installed as part of the closed crankcase technology requirement and any cost associated with the installation of the closed crankcase technology indicated on the compliance form, in accordance with the provisions of sections 28 through 31, inclusive, of P.L.2005, c.219 (C.26:2C-8.53 through C.26:2C-8.56).

d.The Department of Environmental Protection shall provide any training necessary to implement the provisions of subsection d. of this section for any employees of, or persons contracted or licensed by, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, as determined necessary by the Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.

e.The Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission shall adopt jointly, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), rules and regulations concerning the installation of the crankcase technology required pursuant to this section and establishing the inspection requirements and procedures for verification of compliance with the crankcase technology requirement established pursuant to this section, the use of the compliance form in any inspection or as part of the inspection procedures and verification of compliance, any training necessary for any employees of, or persons contracted or licensed by, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, and the extent of that training to be provided by the Department of Environmental Protection, and in what manner that training shall be provided.

f.If for any reason, the owner of the regulated school bus is unable to comply with the requirements specified in this section, the owner shall notify the department, as soon as practicable, of the inability to comply.  The department shall resolve the situation with the owner as soon as practicable, and the department shall issue any necessary documentation and other information to the owner of the regulated school bus.

L.2005,c.219,s.6; amended 2006, c.94, s.1.