26:2C-54 - Interim decision as to comparability of national program; rules, regulations; final decision; disposition of allowances

26:2C-54  Interim decision as to comparability of national program; rules, regulations; final decision; disposition of allowances.

10. a. Within three months after the enactment of federal law providing for implementation of a national emissions allowance trading program, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection shall render an interim decision as to whether the national program is substantially comparable to the greenhouse gas emissions allowance trading program in which the State is participating at that time.  If the commissioner determines that the national program is substantially comparable to the existing greenhouse gas emissions allowance trading program being implemented in the State, then the department shall take such anticipatory administrative action in advance of the adoption of rules and regulations providing for implementation of a national emissions allowance trading program in order to minimize any delay in the State's participation in the national program.

b.Within three months after the adoption of rules and regulations providing for implementation of a national emissions allowance trading program, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection shall render a final decision as to whether the national program is substantially comparable to the greenhouse gas emissions allowance trading program in which the State is participating at that time.  If the commissioner determines that the national program is substantially comparable to the existing greenhouse gas emissions allowance trading program being implemented in the State, the department shall thereafter sell, exchange, retire or otherwise convey allowances only as part of the State's participation in the national program.

c.The commissioner shall notify, in writing, the Governor and the Legislature pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1991, c.164 (C.52:14-19.1) of the decisions made pursuant to this section.

d.The determination of the comparability of the programs, pursuant to subsections a. and b. of this section, shall be based upon the projected percent reductions of greenhouse gas emissions from electric generating facilities serving customers in the State under the greenhouse gas emissions allowance trading program being implemented in the State at the time as compared to the projected percent reductions of greenhouse gas emissions from electric generating facilities serving customers in the State under the national program and may consider the value of allowances or allowance auction proceeds directed to the State or other entity to benefit New Jersey energy consumers.  Reductions anticipated through the implementation of other State regulated carbon reduction initiatives, including but not limited to a renewable energy portfolio standard or any energy efficiency portfolio standard adopted pursuant to section 38 of P.L.1999, c.23 (C.48:3-87), shall not be considered in determining the comparability of the programs.

L.2007, c.340, s.10.