26:2BB-7 - Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse 

26:2BB-7.    Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse 
    7. a.        There is created an Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance," in the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.  The purpose of the Alliance is to create a network comprised of all the communities in New Jersey which is dedicated to a comprehensive and coordinated effort against alcoholism and drug abuse. The Alliance shall be a mechanism both for implementing policies to reduce alcoholism and drug abuse at the municipal level, and for providing funds, including moneys from mandatory penalties on drug offenders, to member communities to support appropriate county and municipal-based alcohol and drug abuse education and public awareness activities. 

   b.   The Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse shall adopt rules and regulations for participation in, and the operation of, the Alliance and for the awarding of grants to municipalities and counties from funds appropriated for such purposes pursuant to P.L.1989, c.51 (C.26:2BB-1 et al.), section 5 of P.L.1993, c.216 (C.54:43-1.3) and funds derived from the "Drug Enforcement and Demand Reduction Fund" established pursuant to N.J.S.2C:35-15, for the purpose of developing: 

   (1)  Organized and coordinated efforts involving schools, law enforcement, business groups and other community organizations for the purpose of reducing alcoholism and drug abuse; 

   (2)  In cooperation with local school districts, comprehensive and effective alcoholism and drug abuse education programs in grades kindergarten through 12; 

   (3)  In cooperation with local school districts, procedures for the intervention, treatment and discipline of students abusing alcohol or drugs; 

   (4)  Comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse education, support and outreach efforts for parents in the community; and 

   (5)  Comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse community awareness programs.


   c.   Funds disbursed under this section shall not supplant local funds that would have otherwise been made available for alcoholism and drug abuse initiatives.  Communities shall provide matching funds when and to the extent required by the regulations adopted pursuant to this section. 

   d.   The county agency or individual designated by the governing body of each county pursuant to subsection a. of section 4 of P.L.1983, c.531 (C.26:2B-33), is authorized to receive from the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse moneys made available pursuant to this section. The designated county agency or individual shall establish a separate fund for the receipt and disbursement of these moneys. 

   L.1989,c.51,s.7; amended 1993,c.216,s.4.