26:2B-25 - Review of laws and regulations on manufacture, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages;  report

26:2B-25.  Review of laws and regulations on manufacture, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages;  report
    The division, in cooperation with the office of the Attorney General and other interested State departments and agencies, shall undertake a broad review  of State and local, criminal and civil, laws and regulations governing the  manufacture, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. This review shall  include, but need not be limited to, consideration of the relation of these  laws and regulations both to the legislative policies and purposes of this act  and to the public policy objective of permitting the temperate use of alcoholic  beverages and preventing the abuse of such beverages.  Within 2 years from the  date of enactment of this act the division shall transmit to the Legislature a  report on this review, which shall include specific recommendations for any  changes in the present laws and regulations that the division deems  appropriate.

     L.1975, c. 305, s. 19.