26:2B-24 - Tests for alcohol in drivers and pedestrians in traffic accidents;  determination of alcoholism as factor;  tabulation and publication of results;  review of laws;  report to legislature

26:2B-24.  Tests for alcohol in drivers and pedestrians in traffic accidents;  determination of alcoholism as factor;  tabulation and publication of results;  review of laws;  report to legislature
    The division shall, in cooperation with the State, municipal and local police, and the Division of Motor Vehicles, conduct tests for alcohol in the bodies of automobile drivers and pedestrians who die as a result of and within 4 hours of a traffic accident, and in automobile drivers who survive traffic accidents fatal to others.  The division shall promulgate a written manual to govern the conducting of tests made pursuant to this section, which shall specify the qualifications of personnel to conduct such tests, the methods and related details of specimen selection, collection, preservation and analysis, and the methods of tabulation and reporting of this test data.

    If a test conducted pursuant to this section discloses alcohol, the division  shall insofar as is practicable make a determination whether or not alcoholism  was a probable factor in the drinking of the tested individual.

    Test data collected and determinations made pursuant to this section shall be tabulated, compiled, and published by the division at least semiannually.

    The division in cooperation with the office of the Attorney General and other interested State departments and agencies shall undertake a detailed and comprehensive review of State and local laws and regulations governing driving under the influence of alcohol.  This review shall include, but need not be limited to, consideration of the relation of these laws and regulations to the legislative policies and purposes of this act, and what programs and punishments are appropriate for individuals convicted of drunk driving.

    Within 1 year from the date of enactment of this act, the division shall transmit to the Legislature a report on this review.  This report shall include  specific recommendations for any changes in the present laws and regulations  the division deems appropriate.

     L.1975, c. 305, s. 18.