26:2A-9 - Notice and hearing

26:2A-9.  Notice and hearing
    The commissioner, before refusing to grant a license, or before suspending or revoking a license previously granted, except as hereinafter provided in section 10 of this act, shall give notice to the applicant or licensee personally, or by mail addressed to him at his last known address, and afford him an opportunity to be heard with respect thereto at a time and place specified in such notice.  Such applicant or licensee shall have the right to be heard in person or by attorney, and to offer evidence pertinent to the subject of the hearing.  A duly certified copy of the order of the commissioner  issued as a result of such hearing shall be served on the applicant or the  licensee by mail personally addressed to him at his last known address, except  if such applicant or licensee be a corporation then the order shall be served  in the same manner upon any officer or registered agent of the corporation.

     L.1963, c. 33, s. 8.