26:2A-11 - Existence of violations at blood bank dangerous to public health;   order of commissioner;  hearing;  injunctive relief

26:2A-11.  Existence of violations at blood bank dangerous to public health;   order of commissioner;  hearing;  injunctive relief
    If the commissioner shall have reason to believe that a condition exists or  has occurred at a blood bank, in violation of the provisions of this act, which  is dangerous to the public health, he may order such blood bank to correct such  violation and may suspend the license of the blood bank until such correction  is completed.  If a licensee shall deny that a violation exists or has  occurred, he shall have the right to apply to the commissioner for a hearing.   Such hearing shall be held and a decision rendered within 48 hours of the  receipt of said request.  If the commissioner shall rule against the licensee,  the licensee shall have the right to apply for injunctive relief against the  commissioner's order. Jurisdiction for such injunctive relief shall be in the  Superior Court of New Jersey.

     L.1963, c. 33, s. 10.