26:1A-50 - Establishment of districts;  district State health officers; civil service;  duties

26:1A-50.  Establishment of districts;  district State health officers; civil service;  duties
    The commissioner may, subject to approval by the Public Health Council, from  time to time establish such health districts as he may deem necessary. He  shall, subject to the provisions of Title 11 of the Revised Statutes, relating  to civil service, appoint, for each of such districts, a district State health  officer who shall be a person qualified in public health administration.  All  such persons thus appointed shall be in the classified service of the civil  service of the State, unless otherwise provided by law. The commissioner  shall, subject to approval by the Public Health Council, and within the limits  of available appropriations therefor, fix the compensation of each of the  district State health officers thus appointed.  Each district State health  officer, under the direction of the commissioner and subject to the provisions  of the State Sanitary Code, shall, in addition to such other duties as may be  imposed upon him by the commissioner, perform the following duties:

    a.  Keep himself informed as to the work of each local health department within his health district;

    b.  Aid each local health officer within his health district in the performance of his duties, and particularly during the prevalence of any contagious disease;

    c.  Assist each local health officer within his health district in making an  annual health survey of the territory within his jurisdiction, and in maintaining therein a continuous sanitary supervision;

    d.  Call together the local health officers within the district or any portion of it from time to time for conference;

    e.  Adjust questions of jurisdiction arising between local health officers within his district;

    f.  Study the causes of excessive mortality from any disease in any portion  of his district;

    g.  Promote efficient registration of births and deaths;

     h.  Endeavor to enlist the co-operation of all the organizations concerned or interested in public health activities within his district, in the improvement of public health therein;

    i.  Disseminate information to the general public in all matters pertaining  to public health;  and

    j.  Act as the representative of the commissioner, and under his direction,  in securing the enforcement within his district of the provisions of the State  Sanitary Code and of the laws of this State pertaining to public health.

     L.1947, c. 177, p. 811, s. 50.