26:1A-36.13 - Health Wellness Promotion Advisory Board

26:1A-36.13.  Health Wellness Promotion Advisory Board
9.  a. There is created a Health Wellness Promotion Advisory Board which shall consist of three members, each of whom has a background in epidemiology and a demonstrated professional expertise in services, issues or programs relating to health wellness promotion, who are residents of the State, one of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, one by the President of the Senate and one by the Speaker of the General Assembly.

b.The terms of office of the members of the board shall be three years. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term only in the manner provided for the original appointment.

c.Members of the board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary traveling and other expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.

d.The Commissioner of Health and Senior Services shall designate an officer or employee of the Department of Health and Senior Services to act as secretary of the board who shall not be a member of the board.

e.The board, for the purpose of transacting its business, shall meet at least once every six months at times and places fixed by the board.  At its first meeting each year it shall organize and elect a chair from its members. Special meetings may also be held at times as the board may fix, or at the call of the chair or the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services.  A timely written notice of the time, place and purpose of any special meeting shall be mailed by the secretary to all members of the board.

f.A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting.

g.The board shall advise and make recommendations to the Legislature pertaining to any revisions of medical testing and services that are deemed by the board to be appropriate for health promotion and that will encourage health care consumers to engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors which will result in a reduction of the long-term costs of providing health care.  In deciding whether a recommendation should be made to add an additional medical test or service to those currently required by this act, the board shall consider the benefits as well as the cost to provide such a medical test or service.  To assist the board in its consideration, the board shall select two organizations which have established expertise in the areas of epidemiology, sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of screening, disease protection, and health promotion tests.  No additional test or service shall be added to those required under this act unless:  (1)  both organizations selected by the board agree that the medical test or counselling service will improve the quality of life, prolong good quality life, or reduce mortality; and (2) the board, subsequent to the agreement of both organizations, recommends that such additional test or service be made.

h.The board shall also appoint a committee which includes representatives of health care professions, including, but not limited to, physicians, nurses, chiropractors, dentists, dietitians, physician assistants, pharmacists and optometrists, and other interested persons to advise the board regarding medical testing and services that are deemed to be appropriate for health promotion and that will encourage health care consumers to engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors.  The board shall determine the number, composition and terms of office of the committee members, and may establish such procedural and administrative requirements as it deems appropriate for the committee.

i.The board shall report annually to the Governor and the Legislature its findings and recommendations concerning the issues enumerated in subsection g. of this section.

L.1993,c.327,s.9; amended 1999, c.339, s.7.