24:5-9.1 - Confectionery with more than   1/2   of 1% alcohol rendered unfit  for beverage purposes;  sale to person under legal age;  label;  sign in place  of sale;  violations;  penalty

24:5-9.1.  Confectionery with more than   1/2   of 1% alcohol rendered unfit  for beverage purposes;  sale to person under legal age;  label;  sign in place  of sale;  violations;  penalty
    a.  Anyone who sells confectionery that contains more than   1/2   of 1% alcohol rendered unfit for beverage purposes to a person who is under the legal  age for purchasing alcoholic beverages is guilty of a disorderly persons  offense.

    b.  Any confectionery manufactured in this State that contains more than 1/2   of 1% alcohol rendered unfit for beverage purposes shall bear a label containing the statement:   "Sale of this product to persons under the legal age for purchasing alcoholic beverages is unlawful" .  A person who violates the provisions of this subsection is guilty of a disorderly persons offense.

    c.  No confectionery containing more than   1/2   of 1% alcohol rendered unfit for beverage purposes shall be sold in this State unless the product bears a label that meets the requirements of subsection b. of this section or a  sign containing the statement:   "Sale of confectionery containing more than    1/2   of 1% alcohol to persons under the legal age for purchasing alcoholic  beverages is unlawful"  is displayed at the place where the product is sold or  offered for sale.  A person who violates the provisions of this subsection is  guilty of a disorderly persons offense.

     L.1984, c. 134, s. 2, eff. Aug. 28, 1984.