Section 24:15
- 24:15-1 - Definitions
- 24:15-2 - Cleanliness, lighting, plumbing and ventilation
- 24:15-3 - Construction of walls and floors
- 24:15-4 - Cleanliness of walls, floors, furniture and machinery; use of hydrocyanic acids or salts; running water; multi-use utensils
- 24:15-5 - Protection of food, drugs or cosmetics from contamination; removal of refuse
- 24:15-6 - Clothing of employees to be kept clean
- 24:15-7 - Toilet facilities for and personal cleanliness of employees
- 24:15-8 - Expectoration prohibited
- 24:15-9 - Sleeping in rooms of food establishment
- 24:15-10 - Persons affected with communicable disease
- 24:15-11 - Order to abate violation in lieu of prosecution
- 24:15-12 - Furnishing and posting abstract of law
- 24:15-13 - License; necessity; fee; exemptions
- 24:15-14 - Fee for license or inspection