23:8A-1 - Sale, lease or exchange by commissioner; terms and conditions

23:8A-1.     Sale, lease or exchange by commissioner; terms and conditions    1.   In any case where the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection finds that the best interests of the State will be served thereby, he shall have the power and authority to sell, lease or exchange for other lands or property, any areas of land, water, or land and water, or any interest therein, belonging to the State, acquired exclusively for public hunting and fishing grounds and game refuges, and assigned to the Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife, provided, however, that the Fish and Game Council shall be given an opportunity to review any proposed sale, lease or exchange and to make recommendations thereon to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection before such sale, lease, or exchange is executed, and that it shall be executed in accordance with P.L.1993, c.38 (C.13:1D-51 et al.).  Such sales, leases or exchanges shall be made in the name of the State of New Jersey and executed by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection at such price and upon such terms and conditions as shall be fixed by the State House Commission. 

   L.1958,c.93,s.1; amended 1960,c.178; 1993,c.38,s.12.