21:1A-135 - Manufacturing establishments under jurisdiction of commissioner; plan of establishment kept in main office; contents; filing of plan may be required; quantity and distance table
21:1A-135. Manufacturing establishments under jurisdiction of commissioner; plan of establishment kept in main office; contents; filing of plan may be required; quantity and distance table
All explosives manufacturing establishments shall come under the jurisdiction of the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of Title 34 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey.
A. A copy of the plan of the explosives manufacturing establishment shall be kept in the main office of the premises of every such establishment and shall be open to inspection by the commissioner. The said plan shall show the location of all explosives manufacturing buildings, the distance they are located from other buildings on the premises and from magazines. Before a permit to manufacture is issued by the commissioner, he may require that such a plan be submitted to him in triplicate for approval.
B. All commercial explosives manufacturing buildings shall be located one from the other and from other buildings of the explosives manufacturing establishment in which persons are regularly employed, and all commercial explosives magazines shall be located from explosives manufacturing buildings and other buildings of the explosives manufacturing establishment in which persons are regularly employed, in conformity with the Intra-Explosives Plant Quantity and Distance Table for commercial explosives set forth below.
Quantity of Explosives
Pounds Pounds Distance in Feet
Over Not Over Unbarricaded Barricaded
10 25 40 20
25 50 60 30
50 100 80 40
100 200 100 50
200 300 120 60
300 400 130 65
400 500 140 70
500 750 160 80
750 1,000 180 90
1,000 1,500 210 105
1,500 2,000 250 115
2,000 3,000 260 130
3,000 4,000 280 140
4,000 5,000 300 150
5,000 6,000 320 160
6,000 7,000 340 170
7,000 8,000 360 180
8,000 9,000 380 190
9,000 10,000 400 200
10,000 12,500 420 210
12,500 15,000 450 225
15,000 17,500 470 235
17,500 20,000 490 245
20,000 25,000 530 265
25,000 30,000 560 280
30,000 35,000 590 295
35,000 40,000 620 310
40,000 45,000 640 320
45,000 50,000 660 330
50,000 55,000 680 340
55,000 60,000 700 350
60,000 65,000 720 360
65,000 70,000 740 370
70,000 75,000 770 385
75,000 80,000 780 390
80,000 85,000 790 395
85,000 90,000 800 400
90,000 95,000 820 410
95,000 100,000 830 415
100,000 125,000 900 450
125,000 150,000 950 475
150,000 175,000 1,000 500
175,000 200,000 1,050 525
200,000 225,000 1,100 550
225,000 250,000 1,150 575
250,000 275,000 1,200 600
275,000 300,000 1,270 635
Note: Ten (10) pounds or less may be stored in a separate building or in storage space properly separated by substantial dividing walls.
All explosives manufacturing buildings and magazines in which explosives are had, kept or stored must be located at distances from inhabited buildings, railways and public highways in conformity with the Tables of Distance established pursuant to section 9G of this act.
L.1960, c. 55, p. 477, s. 8.