19:8-6 - Proper equipment and voter instructions at polling places 

19:8-6.        Proper equipment and voter instructions at polling places 
   19:8-6.  The county boards in counties of the first class and the municipal clerks in counties other than counties of the first class shall purchase or lease and furnish the proper equipment of polling places, to enable the district boards to carry out the duties imposed upon them by this title.  The equipment shall consist of tables, chairs, lights, booths and all other things necessary for the performance of such duties, and shall be ready for use by the district boards in ample time to enable them to perform their duties. Also to be included, for conspicuous display at each polling place on the days of any election during each year, shall be the voting and registration instructions provided by the county board of elections. 

  The clerks of the several municipalities shall keep in repair, store and deliver the polling booths, ballot boxes and other equipment in time for use by the district boards at the cost and expense of the municipality. 

  In case of any election to be held in and for a municipality only, the duties imposed upon the county boards in counties of the first class regarding the equipment of polling places shall devolve upon the clerk of the municipality wherein the election is to be held. Any equipment in possession of the county board may be used in a municipal election upon requisition. 

  Amended 1991,c.429,s.7.