19:61-7 - Report on certain absentee ballots in federal elections

19:61-7 Report on certain absentee ballots in federal elections.
7.No later than the 90th day following the day of each regularly scheduled general election of candidates for federal office, each county board of elections shall submit to the Secretary of State for transmittal to the Election Assistance Commission, established pursuant to section 201 of Pub.L.107-252 (42 U.S.C. s.15321), a report on the combined number of absentee ballots transmitted to military service voters and overseas voters and the combined number of such ballots which were returned by such voters, judged to be valid, cast and canvassed. The report shall be in the format developed by the commission. The Secretary of State shall make copies of each such report available to the general public.

L.2004, c.88, s.7; amended 2008, c.61, s.19.