19:6-2 - Application for membership on district board; qualifications

19:6-2  Application for membership on district board; qualifications.

19:6-2. a. The following persons may apply in writing to the county board, on a form prepared and furnished by the county board, for appointment as a member of a district board of any municipality in the county in which he or she resides: (1) a legal voter who is a member of a political party by virtue of having voted in a party primary or who has filed a party declaration form for the ensuing presidential primary or primary election for the general election with the commissioner of the county in which the voter is registered and who, for two years prior to making written application, has not espoused the cause of another political party or its candidates; (2) a legal voter who is not affiliated with a political party; (3) a United States citizen and resident of this State who is 16 or 17 years of age, attends a secondary school and has the written permission of his or her parent or guardian to serve as a member of the board if appointed; or (4) a United States citizen and resident of this State who is 16 or 17 years of age and has graduated from a secondary school or has passed a general educational development test, GED, and has the written permission of his or her parent or guardian to serve as a member of the board if appointed.

b.The application, signed by the applicant under his or her oath, shall state:  (1) the applicant's name and address; (2) the applicant's age, if the applicant is less than 18 years of age; (3) the political party to which he or she belongs or, if the applicant is not affiliated with a political party, the fact that the applicant is not so affiliated; (4) that the applicant is of good moral character and has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude; and (5) that the applicant possesses the following qualifications: eyesight, with or without correction, sufficient to read nonpareil type; ability to read the English language readily; ability to add and subtract figures correctly; ability to write legibly with reasonable facility; reasonable knowledge of the duties to be performed by the applicant as an election officer under the election laws of this State; and health sufficient to discharge his or her duties as an election officer.

c.If an applicant for appointment to a district board is 16 or 17 years of age, then the applicant shall provide to the county board, along with the application provided under subsection b. of this section: (1) a written document signed by the applicant's parent or guardian giving the applicant permission to serve as a member of a district board if appointed and (2) if an election, meeting or training is scheduled to take place when school is in session, a written document from his or her school that acknowledges the applicant's application for appointment as a member of a district board and excuses the applicant from school on the dates of service if appointed, except that the requirement contained in subparagraph (2) of this subsection shall not apply to a United States citizen and resident of this State who is 16 or 17 years of age and has graduated from a secondary school or has passed a general educational development test, GED.

d.No person shall be precluded from applying to serve as a member of a district board of any municipality for failure to vote in any year such person was ineligible to vote by reason of age or residence.

e.In no case shall a person 16 or 17 years of age be permitted to serve as a member of a district board on the day of an election for more than the number of hours permitted for such a person to work pursuant to P.L.1940, c.153 (C.34:2-21.1 et seq.), as amended and supplemented.

Amended 1940, c.136; 1973, c.261; 1981, c.257, s.1; 1996, c.120, s.2; 2002, c.125; 2005, c.136, s.5.
19:6-3  Appointment of district board members by county board, Assignment Judge of Superior Court.
19:6-3. a. (1) The county board shall, on or before January 4 of each presidential year and on or before April 1 of every other year, appoint the members of the district boards in the manner prescribed by paragraph (2) of this subsection.  The members of any district board shall be equally apportioned between the two political parties which at the last preceding general election held for the election of all of the members of the General Assembly cast the largest and next largest number of votes respectively in this State for members of the General Assembly, except that if the county board is unable to fill all of the positions of the members of a particular district board from among qualified members of those two political parties, the county board shall appoint to any such unfilled position an otherwise qualified person who is unaffiliated with any political party, but no such appointment of an unaffiliated person shall be made prior to January 9 of each presidential year and prior to March 25 of every other year, and in no event shall more than two such unaffiliated persons serve at the same time on any district board.

(2)In making appointments of members of the several district boards of the county, the county board shall consult with the chairperson of the county committee of each of the two political parties referred to in paragraph (1) of this subsection.  On or before December 20 of the year preceding each presidential year and on or before March 15 of every other year, the county board shall transmit to each of those chairpersons a list of those positions on the membership of the several district boards that are subject to apportionment under that paragraph (1) to the political party of which that chairperson is a member, and to which the county board has been unable to make an appointment from among qualified members of that political party.  The county board shall include with each such list a request that the chairperson to whom that list is transmitted return to the board a list of the names of candidates for those unfilled positions.  On or before December 30 of the year preceding each presidential year and on or before March 25 of every other year, the county board shall, on the basis of the lists so returned to it, fill as many of the remaining unfilled positions in the membership of the several district boards as possible, and shall assign or reassign appointees as necessary to ensure that the membership of each district board within the county shall include at least one member of each of the two political parties.  The county board shall then appoint to any unfilled position on a district board an otherwise qualified person who is unaffiliated with any political party.

b.In case the county board shall neglect, refuse or be unable to appoint and certify the members of the district boards as herein provided, the Assignment Judge of the Superior Court shall, before January 15 of each presidential year or before April 10 of every other year, make such appointments and certifications.

Amended 1948, c.2, s.5; 1953, c.19, s.8; 1965, c.4, s.4; 1966, c.19, s.3; 1991, c.91, s.239; 1996, c.120, ss.3,11; 2005, c.136, s.6; 2007, c.61, s.3.