19:6-19 - Filling vacancies

19:6-19.  Filling vacancies
    If a vacancy arises in any county board from any cause other than expiration  of the term, the secretary of the county board, within 5 days thereafter, shall  in writing notify the Governor, the appropriate county committee chairman,  county committee vice-chairlady, State chairman, State committeeman and State  committeewoman of such vacancy, and within the same time notify the Governor in  writing the date on which such notice was received by the county committee  chairman.  If the secretary fails to so notify, any member of the county board  may make such notifications.  Within 10 days after receipt of notice by such  county committee chairman, the county committee chairman, county committee  vice-chairlady, State chairman, State committeeman and State committeewoman  shall jointly nominate a successor, and any such nomination shall be made and  certified in the same manner as provided in section 19:6-18 of the Revised  Statutes, and the person so nominated shall thereupon be commissioned by the  Governor.  All appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term  only.

     Amended by L.1955, c. 243, p. 920, s. 2;  L.1956, c. 167, p. 660, s. 1.