19:6-18 - Nomination for member of county board; certification, appointment, term

19:6-18  Nomination for member of county board; certification, appointment, term.
19:6-18.  During the 30-day period immediately preceding November 25 of the year preceding each presidential year and February 15 of every other year, the chairman and vice-chairlady of each county committee and the State committeeman and State committeewoman of each of such two political parties, respectively shall meet and jointly, in writing, nominate one person residing in the county of such county committee chairman, duly qualified, for member of the county board in and for such county for the succeeding year, in the case of the presidential year.

If more than two members are elected to the State committee of any party from a county, the State committeeman and State committeewoman who shall participate in the process of nomination shall be those holding full votes who received the greatest number of votes in their respective elections for members of the State committee.

If nomination be so made, the said county committee chairman shall certify the nomination so made to the State chairman and to the Governor, and the Governor shall commission such appointees, who shall be members of opposite parties, on or before December 20 of the year preceding each presidential year or on or before March 1 in every other year, as the case may be.  If nomination be not so made on account of a tie vote in the said meeting of the county committee chairman, county committee vice-chairlady, State committeeman and State committeewoman, in respect to such nomination, the said county committee chairman shall certify the fact of such a tie vote to the State chairman, who shall have the deciding vote and who shall certify, in writing, to the Governor, the nomination made by his deciding vote.  Appointees to county boards of election pursuant to this section shall continue in office for 2 years from either December 20 of the year preceding each presidential year or March 1, as the case may be, next after their appointment.

The first appointment having been made pursuant to law for terms of 1 and 2 years, respectively, the members subsequently appointed each year shall fill the offices of the appointees whose terms expire in that year.

Amended 1955, c.243, s.1; 1968, c.84; 1978, c.15, s.2; 2005, c.136, s.8; 2007, c.61, s.4.