19:6-15 - Constabulary powers of members;  police assistance

19:6-15.  Constabulary powers of members;  police assistance
    The district boards of every election district shall preserve the peace and  maintain good order in their respective polling places, during the progress of  all elections and the counting of the votes cast thereat.  To that end each  member of every such board, during the progress of an election and the counting  and canvassing of the votes, shall be and hereby is invested and charged with  all the powers and duties of constables of this state in criminal matters.

    Such election board, or any two members thereof, may, by writing under their  hands whenever in their opinion it shall be necessary to do so, request the  municipal authorities of any municipality within which their district is situate or the body or officer having charge and direction of the police force in such municipality, to detail one or more policemen to assist in preserving the peace and good order in and about such polling place, which request shall forthwith be complied with as far as possible by the body or officer to whom the same is made.