19:6-11 - Oath of office of members;  power to administer oaths

19:6-11.  Oath of office of members;  power to administer oaths
    Each member of the district board shall before entering upon the performance  of his duties take and subscribe an oath or affirmation in writing before a  duly qualified officer, faithfully and impartially to discharge all his duties  as such officer to the best of his skill and ability.  Such oaths and  affirmations shall be forthwith forwarded to the county clerk and by him filed  in his office, and after so qualifying, any member of such board may at any  meeting thereof administer any oath or affirmation required or permitted to be  taken by this title.
19:6-12.Member becoming candidate
19:6-12.  The office of a member of a district board in an election district shall be deemed vacant upon such member becoming a candidate for an office to be voted upon at any primary, general election, school election, or special election for which he was appointed to serve, such candidacy to be determined by the filing of a petition of nomination, duly accepted by such member, in the manner provided by law.  The municipal or county clerk with whom such petition and acceptance may be filed shall forthwith notify the county board of the county in which such election district is located, giving the name and residence of the member of the district board who has thus become a candidate, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided by law.

Amended 1995,c.278,s.15.