19:59-2 - Definitions

19:59-2 Definitions.

2.As used in this act:

a."United States" means each of the several states, the District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and the Virgin Islands; the term does not mean or include the Canal Zone or any other territory or possession of the United States.

b."Residing abroad" means residing outside the United States.

c."Federal election" means any general, special or primary held for the purpose of nominating or electing any candidate for the office of President or Vice President of the United States, Presidential elector, United States Senator or member of the United States House of Representatives.

d."Overseas voter" means any person in military service who, by reason of active duty or service, is absent on the date of an election from the place of residence in New Jersey where the person is or would be qualified to vote, and any citizen of the United States residing abroad who (1) immediately prior to his departure from the United States was domiciled in New Jersey and (a) was registered to vote, or had all the qualifications to register and vote, in New Jersey; or (b) had all the qualifications to register and vote in New Jersey other than having attained 18 years of age but has since attained that age; or (c) would, but for residence, have the qualifications to register and vote in New Jersey; (2) does not maintain a residence in the United States and is not registered or qualified to vote elsewhere in the United States; and (3) holds a valid passport or card of identity and registration issued under authority of the Secretary of State of the United States.

e."Electronic means" means any transmission made by an electronic telefacsimile machine or a similar device or by any other form of electronic transmission including, but not exclusive to electronic mail, that transports an authentic copy of a document from one user to another.

L.1976, c.23, s.2; amended 1993, c.73, s.4; 2008, c.61, s.2.