19:58-8 - Application for presidential ballot by removed resident;  form and  contents - New Jersey Statutes - USA Laws Searching

19:58-8 - Application for presidential ballot by removed resident;  form and  contents

19:58-8.  Application for presidential ballot by removed resident;  form and  contents
    An application for a Presidential ballot to be made by a removed resident shall be in substantially the following form:


     I, the undersigned, do hereby apply for a Presidential ballot to be voted at the election to be held on          and do hereby certify  that: (date of election)

    1.  I am a citizen of the United States;

     2.  I was born on         ;           (date of birth)

     3.  I reside at      (street and number or R.D. route)          in  in county in the          (name of city or municipality)  (name of county) State of          and I have resided           (name  of state or, territory, commonwealth,           or District of Columbia)   at  this address since my removal from my former address in New Jersey and expect  to continue to reside there until and on the date of said election;

   4.  I formerly resided and was registered as a voter at      (street and number   or R.D. route)     in          in          county in  New (name of city or municipality)       (name of county)    Jersey  and I continued to reside there until my removal to my present address;

    5.  I am unable to vote in said election at any place other than that of my  former residence in New Jersey, where I believe that I am eligible to vote for  electors for President and Vice-President of the United States by a Presidential ballot.

              Applicant   (signature)

             Applicant          (print name here)

     L.1964, c. 134, s. 8.  Amended by L.1972, c. 30, s. 3, eff. May 25, 1972; L.1976, c. 24, s. 7, eff. May 7, 1976.