19:58-28 - Canvass of presidential ballots

19:58-28.  Canvass of presidential ballots
    The inner envelopes containing the Presidential ballots shall be opened and  the Presidential ballots shall be removed therefrom and counted, and the votes  so cast canvassed, and the results thereof certified, by the county board of  elections and the votes so counted and canvassed shall be counted, in  determining the result of the election of such electors, at the same time and  in the same manner as is required by the act hereby supplemented in the case of  absentee ballots, except that it shall only be necessary to count or canvass  such votes on a county wide basis and not on a ward and district basis.

     L.1964, c. 134, s. 28.  Amended by L.1972, c. 86, s. 1, eff. July 10, 1972.