19:52-6 - Locking machine;  rechecking;  cost;  deposit;  irregular ballots,  disposition of

19:52-6.  Locking machine;  rechecking;  cost;  deposit;  irregular ballots,  disposition of
    The district election officers shall, as soon as the count is completed and  fully ascertained, as by this subtitle required, lock the counter compartment  and it shall so remain for a period of 15 days, except it be opened by order of  a judge of the Superior Court assigned to the county. Within such period and  upon written request of any defeated candidate, or in the case where a public  question is involved upon petition of any 10 qualified voters of a county or  municipality using machines who voted in the election in question, the judge  shall, at a cost of $2.00 per district to the candidate or petitioners, order  the machines in question opened and the registering counters rechecked against  the election officers' returns. Any candidate or petitioners requesting such  recheck, shall deposit with the county clerk, the amount necessary for all the  districts requested. The county clerk, if it appears that an error or errors  have occurred as a result of which the election is changed or the difference  between the negative and affirmative of any public question is altered so as to  change the results of the election, shall upon the warrant of such judge of the Superior Court, pay to such candidate or petitioners the cost of such recheck.   In the event it shall appear after such recheck that the results of the  election remain unchanged, the county clerk shall, upon the warrant of such  judge, pay the funds so deposited into the county treasury.  Such recheck shall  be made under the supervision of the county election officials and in  co-operation with the parties at interest or their representatives.  When  irregular ballots of whatever description have been voted, the district  election officers shall return all such ballots in a properly secured package  indorsed "irregular ballots"  and return and file such package with the  municipal clerk at the same time the original statement of the results of the  election made by them is filed.  Such package shall be preserved for 6 months  next succeeding such election, and it shall not be opened or its contents  examined during that time except by the order of a judge of a court lawfully  empowered to direct the same to be opened and examined.  At the end of the 6  months, such packages may be opened and the ballots disposed of at the  discretion of the official having charge thereof.

     Amended by L.1942, c. 56, p. 293, s. 1;  L.1943, c. 80, p. 298, s. 1; L.1953,  c. 19, p. 356, s. 59;  L.1955, c. 260, p. 950, s. 1.