19:49-3 - Number of official ballots to be furnished

19:49-3.  Number of official ballots to be furnished    At least one week prior to any primary, local, or general election two sets  of official ballots shall be provided for each voting machine, for each polling  place, for each election district, for use in and upon the voting machine.  One  set thereof shall be inserted or placed in or upon the voting machine and the  other shall be retained in the custody and possession of the county board of  elections or the superintendent of elections or the municipal clerk, as the  case may be, having custody of voting machines, unless it shall become  necessary during the course of the election to make use of the same upon or in  the voting machine.  At the close of the election all official ballots, except  those actually in or upon the voting machine at the close of the election,  whether the same shall have been used in the machine or not, shall be returned  to the official providing the same in the manner by this Title provided.

     Amended by L.1945, c. 56, p. 325, s. 4.