19:48-3.8 - Certification to counties of voting machines purchased; appropriations in annual budget

19:48-3.8.  Certification to counties of voting machines purchased; appropriations in annual budget
    As soon as any voting machines are purchased by the State House Commission and the determination is made as to the number to be delivered to any county, the State House Commission shall certify to the board of chosen freeholders of said county the number of voting machines purchased for said county and the amount of the purchase price paid therefor.  In the annual budget of said county for the year following the date of such certification, and in each annual budget thereafter until the full amount so certified is paid, the board of chosen freeholders of said county shall appropriate an amount sufficient to pay one-fifth of the total amount or amounts so certified by the State House Commission, together with three per centum (3%) interest from the date of certification;    provided, however , that, in any year, the board of chosen freeholders may appropriate and pay any amount greater than herein required.

     L.1944, c. 7, p. 21, s. 6.  Amended by L.1945, c. 122, p. 477, s. 1.