19:48-3.18 - Agreements for rental of voting machines;  terms and conditions

19:48-3.18.  Agreements for rental of voting machines;  terms and conditions    Such superintendent of elections or such county board of elections, as the case may be, of the county in which such municipality is located, is hereby authorized and empowered, in behalf and in the name of the county in which the voting machines are to be used, to enter into an agreement with the board of chosen freeholders of the county owning such machines, which board is also hereby authorized and empowered to enter into such an agreement, for the rental  of such machines and any pertinent equipment for use at any such municipal  election, upon the following terms and upon such additional terms as may be  mutually agreed upon, and any such agreement made pursuant to the provisions of  this act shall be binding upon the respective counties:

    a.  The rental rate for each machine and any pertinent equipment accompanying the same shall not exceed five dollars ($5.00);

    b.  The machines and any pertinent equipment rented shall be transported entirely at the expense of the county in which the same are to be used;

    c.  The board of chosen freeholders of the county from which the machines are rented shall cause the counters within all machines rented to be set at zero (000) at least fifteen days before the date of the municipal election in which the machines are to be used;

    d.  The machines and any pertinent equipment rented, after delivery thereof  to such superintendent of elections or such county board of elections, as the  case may be, shall, except when being transported and when actually at the  polling places, be stored in a suitable place which shall be a fireproof  building in the county in which such municipality is located;

    e.  The machines and any pertinent equipment rented shall be returned to their usual place of storage in the county from which they are rented not later  than twenty days after the municipal election in which they are to be used,  with the counter within each machine set at zero (000);

    f.  The machines and any pertinent equipment rented shall be duly returned to the place of storage thereof in the county from which they are rented in the  same condition as when leaving such place;  and any partial or total damage  done to any machine or pertinent equipment from any cause whatever, between the  time of leaving such place of storage and its return thereto, shall be repaired  or replaced at the expense of the county in which the same are to be used.

     L.1945, c. 59, p. 336, s. 4.