19:48-3.11 - Use of voting machines when insufficient number delivered to counties

19:48-3.11.  Use of voting machines when insufficient number delivered to counties
    When voting machines are delivered to any county pursuant to the provisions  of this act and they are insufficient to provide voting machines for use in all  election districts of said county, such voting machines shall be installed and  used in such municipalities of said county and in such wards thereof as, in  counties having a superintendent of elections, the superintendent of elections  shall designate and as, in counties of the second class, not having a  superintendent of elections the commissioner of registration shall designate,  giving preference to municipalities in the descending order of population  measured by the last Federal census and, in any municipality, giving preference  to the several wards thereof according to the same standard.

     L.1944, c. 7, p. 22, s. 9.  Amended by L.1947, c. 168, p. 767, s. 27.