19:44B-4 - Contents

19:44B-4.  Contents
    Financial disclosure statements shall include the sources of income received  from sources other than the State during the preceding calendar year by the  candidate and members of his household.  Without disclosing the amounts of  income, gifts, reimbursements, and holdings, the statements shall include the  following:

    a.  Each of the following categories of earned income totalling more than $1,000.00:  salaries, bonuses, royalties, fees, commissions and profit sharing received as an officer, employee, partner or consultant of a named corporation,  professional association, partnership or sole proprietorship;

    b.  Each of the following categories of unearned income totalling more than  $1,000.00:  rents, dividends and other income received from named investments,  trusts and estates;

    c.  Fees and honorariums totalling more than $100.00 received from named payers for personal appearances, speeches or writings;

    d.  Reimbursements totalling more than $100.00 for travel, subsistence or facilities provided in kind received from named payers or providers other than the State, any political subdivision thereof, a principal employer, or a nonprofit organization;

    e.  Gifts having a value totalling more than $250.00 received from named donors;  and

    f.  Ownership, holding, or control of an interest in any land or building in  any city in which casino gambling is authorized, which land or building shall  be specified.

     L.1981, c. 129, s. 4, eff. May 1, 1981.