19:44A-30 - Appropriations for fund for election campaign expenses

19:44A-30  Appropriations for fund for election campaign expenses.

5.The Legislature shall appropriate to the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission out of the Gubernatorial Elections Fund established pursuant to N.J.S.54A:9-25.1 and available for appropriation from the fund, and, if necessary, out of the General Treasury of the State such sums as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this act, which sums shall constitute a fund for campaign expenses for the primary election to the office of Governor and the general election to the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, in such amounts or proportions as the Legislature shall direct the appropriation to be distributed between each of the two elections, to be regulated and distributed by the commission pursuant to this act.  Upon notice by the commission, the Legislature shall appropriate to the commission out of the General Treasury such additional sums as may be required to carry out the purposes of this act if the sums first appropriated become inadequate.

L.1974, c.26, s.5; amended 1980, c.74, s.6; 2009, c.66, s.19.