19:4-16 - Maps and descriptions;  filing;  public inspection;  rules and regulations

19:4-16.  Maps and descriptions;  filing;  public inspection;  rules and regulations
    The county board shall cause to have prepared and shall maintain an up-to-date suitable map of the county and of each constituent municipality clearly delineating the geographical boundaries of each election district contained therein and of the ward, legislative, freeholder, Congressional or other district or part thereof, in which each election district is contained. A word description of such geographical boundaries shall be attached to each such map.

    The county board shall file copies of such maps and descriptions in the following manner:  three copies to the Secretary of State, one copy to the county clerk, and one copy to the clerk of each affected municipality. Within 30 days of any changes in the boundaries of any of the aforementioned districts, the county board shall file revised maps and accompanying revised descriptions in the same manner.

    Said maps and descriptions shall be public records and shall be available for inspection by the public in the offices of the Secretary of State, county clerks and municipal clerks during normal office hours. Copies shall be made available to the public for a fee necessary to cover the cost of reproduction.

    In order to effectuate the purposes of this act, the Secretary of State shall establish such rules and regulations governing the preparation, maintenance, distribution and filing of said maps and descriptions as he deems necessary or desirable.

     L.1976, c. 83, s. 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1977.