19:34-44 - Solicitation of candidates for contributions - New Jersey Statutes - USA Laws Searching

19:34-44 - Solicitation of candidates for contributions

19:34-44.  Solicitation of candidates for contributions    No person shall demand, solicit, ask or invite any candidate for nomination  or election to public office or party position to subscribe for the support of  any club or organization, or to buy tickets to any entertainment or ball, or to  pay for space in any book, program, periodical or publication.

    This prohibition shall not apply to the solicitation of business advertising  in periodicals in which the candidate was a regular advertiser prior to his  candidacy, nor to ordinary business advertising, nor to the regular payments to  any organizations, religious, charitable or otherwise, of which he was a  member, or to which he was a contributor for more than six months before his  candidacy, nor to any ordinary contributions at church services.