19:34-39 - Other expenditures prohibited

19:34-39.  Other expenditures prohibited
    No person directly or indirectly, by himself or through any other person:

      Inducing voters.    a. Shall pay, lend or contribute, or offer or promise  to pay, lend or contribute, money or other valuable consideration to or for any  voter, or to or for any other person, to induce such voter to vote or refrain  from voting at any election, or to induce any voter to vote or refrain from  voting at such election for any particular person or persons, or to induce such  voter to come to or remain away from the polls at such election, or because of  such voter having voted or refrained from voting or having voted or refrained  from voting for any particular person, or having come to or remained away from  the polls at such election.

      Employment purposes.    b. Shall give, offer or promise any office, place  or employment, or to promise to procure or endeavor to procure any office,  place or employment to or for any voter, or to or for any other person, in  order to induce such voter to vote or refrain from voting at any election, or  to induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting at such election for any  particular person or persons.

      Gifts or other inducements.    c. Shall make any gift, loan, promise, offer, procurement or agreement, to, for or with any person, in order to induce  him to procure, or endeavor to procure, the election of any person, or the vote  of any voter at any election.

      Procuring votes.    d. Shall procure, or engage, promise or endeavor to procure, in consequence of any gift, loan, offer, promise, procurement or agreement, the election of any person, or the vote of any voter at such election.

      Furnishing means for bribery.    e. Shall advance or pay, or cause to be paid, money or other valuable thing, to or for the use of any other person, with the intent that the same, or any part thereof, shall be used in bribery at  any election, or to knowingly pay, or cause to be paid, any money or other valuable thing to any person in discharge or repayment of any money, wholly or in part, expended in bribery at any election.

      Assist in evading arrest.    f. Shall advance or pay, or cause to be paid,  money or other valuable thing, to or for the use of any other person, with the  intent that the same, or any part thereof, shall be used to aid or assist any  person to evade arrest who is charged with the commission of a crime against  the elective franchise.

      Indorsement of candidates.    g. Shall advance or pay, or cause to be paid, money or other valuable thing, to or for the use of any other person, in consideration of being selected or indorsed as the candidate of any convention,  organized assemblage of delegates, or other body representing, or claiming to  represent, a political party or principle, or any club, society or association,  for a public office, or in consideration of the selection or indorsement of any  other person as a candidate for a public office, or in consideration of any  member of a convention, club, society or association, having voted to select or  indorse any person as a candidate for a public office.

      Withdrawal of candidates.    h. Shall advance or pay, or cause to be paid,  any money or other valuable thing to or for the use of any other person, in  consideration of a person withdrawing as a candidate for a public office.