19:34-30 - Influencing of vote by employer;  placards for such purpose

19:34-30.  Influencing of vote by employer;  placards for such purpose
    No employer, in paying his employees the salary or wages due them, shall inclose their pay in  "pay envelopes"  upon which there is written or printed the name of any candidate or any political motto, device or argument containing  threats, express or implied, intended or calculated to influence the political  opinions or actions of such employees.  Nor shall an employer, within ninety  days of an election, put up or otherwise exhibit in his factory, workshop, or  other establishment or place where his workmen or employees may be working, any  handbill or placard containing any threat, notice or information that in case  any particular ticket of a political party, or organization, or candidate shall  be elected, work in his establishment will cease, in whole or in part, or his  establishment be closed up, or the salaries or wages of his employees be  reduced, or other threat, express or implied, intended or calculated to  influence the political opinions or actions of his employees.