19:34-24 - Betting on election

19:34-24.  Betting on election
    No person shall make, lay or deposit any bet, wager or stake, to be decided  by the result of any election, by the election or defeat of one or more persons  at any election, or by any contingency connected with or growing out of any  election.  All contracts for or on account of any money, property or thing in  action so bet, wagered or staked shall be void.  Any person who shall pay,  deliver or deposit any money, property or thing in action upon the event of any  bet, wager or stake prohibited by this section, may sue for and recover the  same from the winner or person to whom the same, or any part thereof, shall  have been paid or delivered, or with whom the same, or any part thereof, shall  have been deposited, whether he shall have been a stakeholder, or other person,  whether or not the same shall have been paid over by such stakeholder, or  whether or not such bet, wager or stake shall have been lost.

    No candidate for public office, before or during an election, shall make any  bet or wager with a voter, or take a share or interest in, or in any manner  become a party to such bet or wager, or provide or agree to provide any money  to be used by another in making such bet or wager, upon any event or  contingency whatever.  No person, directly or indirectly, shall make a bet or  wager with a voter, depending upon the result of any election, with the intent  thereby to procure the challenge of such voter, or to prevent him from voting  at the election.