19:32-50 - Salaries and expenses during fiscal year in which act takes effect

19:32-50.  Salaries and expenses during fiscal year in which act takes effect
    If during the fiscal year in which this act becomes effective, the board of  chosen freeholders of the county shall not have made provision in its annual  budget for the payment of the salaries and other expenses of the superintendent  of elections and his office during such fiscal year, all appropriations made in  said budget to the county board of elections, except those made for the payment  of the salaries of the members of said board and the expenses of the board in  connection with the functions to be performed by it during said year,  notwithstanding the provisions of this act, shall be transferred and made  available to the superintendent of elections for the carrying out of the powers  and functions vested in him under this act, which shall include all  appropriations for (a) salaries and wages, except for the salaries of the  members of the board, (b) the control and conduct of permanent registration,  and (c) the custody, maintenance and distribution of voting machines.

     L.1947, c. 167, p. 735, s. 25.