19:32-10 - Preparation of challenge lists
19:32-10. Preparation of challenge lists
19:32-10. In respect to each general, primary, municipal and special election, the superintendent shall prepare for each election district in the county a challenge list containing the names, alphabetically arranged, and the addresses of all persons who have lost the right to register from the addresses within such election district from which they registered at the last preceding election. Such challenge list shall be delivered to the respective district boards in such municipalities at least one-half hour before the commencement of registration. The chairman of the respective district boards shall challenge the registration of any person applying to them for registration under any name on such challenge list, unless it shall affirmatively appear after strict examination of the voter, and, if necessary, of others, that such voter is domiciled at a new address within the election district. At the close of the last day of registration, the challenge list with the remarks of the district board or of any member or members thereof to be noted thereon shall be signed and certified as true by each member of the respective district boards and returned to the superintendent in a sealed envelope provided therefor.
After the last day of registration and before each general, primary, municipal and special election, the superintendent shall also prepare for each election district a challenge list containing the names, alphabetically arranged, and addresses of all persons registered in the district whom he believes or has reason to suspect are not entitled to vote at the election in the district. Such challenge list shall be delivered to the respective district boards at least one-half hour before the opening of the polls at each election. The chairman of the respective district boards shall challenge the vote of any person presenting himself to vote under any name on the challenge list. The challenge list shall contain a column headed "remarks," and the chairman of the respective district boards shall enter therein opposite the names on such list whether any person applying to vote under any name thereon who was challenged was allowed to vote, and the reason for allowing him to vote.
All persons whose names appear on any challenge list before being allowed to vote shall subscribe to an affidavit on forms supplied by the superintendent to the respective district boards together with the challenge list. Any members of the district boards are hereby empowered to take such affidavits. The affidavit shall show that the affiant is eligible to vote in that district and shall set forth the place of his residence, the fact that he actually resides at that place, the length of time of such residence, and also all the facts necessary to qualify him as a voter under the constitution of this State. A copy of the affidavit signed by the challenged voter shall be given to the affiant. At the close of the polls the affidavits shall be returned to the superintendent in an envelope provided therefor and they shall be preserved in the office of the superintendent.
If a person applying to vote under any name on the challenge list is challenged and does not vote, there shall be entered opposite his name in such column the words "challenged, but did not vote." If no person applies to vote under any name on such challenge list, there shall be noted opposite each such name in such column the words "no application." At the close of the polls the challenge list shall be signed and certified as true by each member of the respective district boards and returned to the superintendent of the county in a sealed envelope provided therefor.
If a person applying to vote is challenged and denied the right to vote because that person's name appears on a challenge list prepared by the superintendent of elections, that challenged voter may apply to a Superior Court judge sitting at the county seat for permission to vote, as provided in R.S.19:32-18.
The superintendent, concurrently with delivering the challenge lists, shall deliver to the commissioner a true copy, certified by him as correct, of each challenge list delivered by him pursuant to this section to each district board in municipalities having permanent registration.
The superintendent shall prepare duplicates of all challenge lists provided for in this section, and shall keep duplicate challenge lists on file in his office from the time of their preparation until the close of the third general election following their preparation. The original challenge lists shall also be kept on file for two years after the general election following their preparation. All such challenge lists shall be open to inspection by any citizen at any time the superintendent's office is open for business.
Amended 1991,c.249,s.7.