19:31-6.7 - Presidential election; door-to-door canvassing 

19:31-6.7.   Presidential election; door-to-door canvassing 
    19.  a.  On December 31 of every year in which a Presidential Election has been held, each county may certify to the Secretary of State the number of newly registered voters who have been registered by door-to-door canvassing and registration, if any, during that calendar year.  The funds provided pursuant to subsection c. of this section shall be allocated by the Secretary of State to each county wherein such canvassing and registration has been conducted in the same proportion as the number of voters newly registered by door-to-door canvassing in each such county is to the total number of voters newly registered by door-to-door canvassing in all such counties throughout the State. 

   b.   Plans for any door-to-door canvassing and registration may be included in the plan, if any, for mobile registration for the general election submitted pursuant to R.S.19:31-2. 

   c.   (Deleted by amendment, P.L.1994, c.182.)


   L.1974,c.30,s.19; amended 1994,c.182,s.9.