19:31-31 - Establishment of single Statewide voter registration system
19:31-31 Establishment of single Statewide voter registration system.
1. a. There shall be established in the Department of State a single Statewide voter registration system, as required pursuant to section 303 of the federal "Help America Vote Act of 2002," Pub.L.107-252 (42 U.S.C. s.15483). The principal computer components of the system shall be under the direct control of the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shall be responsible for creating the network necessary to maintain the system and providing the computer software, hardware and security necessary to ensure that the system is accessible only to those executive departments and State agencies so designated by the Secretary of State, each county commissioner of registration, each county and municipal clerk, and individuals under certain circumstances, as provided for by this section. The system shall be the official State repository for voter registration information for every legally registered voter in this State, and shall serve as the official voter registration system for the conduct of all elections in the State.
b.The Statewide voter registration system shall include, but not be limited to, the following features:
(1)the name and registration information of every legally registered voter in the State;
(2)the ability to assign a unique identifier to each legally registered voter in the State;
(3)interactivity among appropriate State agencies so designated by the Secretary of State, each county commissioner of registration, each county board of elections, and each county clerk such that these entities shall have immediate electronic access to all or selected records in the system, as determined by the Secretary of State, to receive or transmit all or selected files in the system and to print or review all or selected files in the system;
(4)the ability to permit any county commissioner of registration to enter voter registration information on an expedited basis at the time the information is provided thereto and to permit the Secretary of State to provide technical support to do so whenever needed;
(5)the ability to permit each municipal clerk to view or print information in the system;
(6)the ability to permit an individual, by July 1, 2006, to verify via the Internet whether that individual, and only that individual, is included in the system as a legally registered voter, whether the information pertaining to that individual required by subsection c. of this section is correct, and if not, a means to notify the pertinent county commissioner of registration of the corrections that must be made and to so verify in a way that does not give one individual access to the information required by subsection c. of this section for any other individual;
(7)a Statewide street address index and map in electronic form that can accurately identify the location of every legally registered voter in this State;
(8)the ability to record and monitor all requests for mail-in ballots; to enable the county clerk to verify the identity and signature of each person requesting a mail-in ballot; to record the name and address of each voter determined to be eligible to receive a mail-in ballot for a particular election and to note when a mail-in ballot has been transmitted to that voter by mail or hand delivery; and to make such information available to the Secretary of State so that a voter can be notified whether the application for such a ballot was accepted or rejected, and the reason for the rejection, using the free-access system established by section 5 of P.L.2004, c.88 (C.19:61-5); and
(9)any other functions required pursuant to Pub.L.107-252 (42 U.S.C. s.15301 et seq.), or Title 19 of the Revised Statutes, or that may be deemed necessary by the Secretary of State.
c.The Statewide voter registration system shall include, but not be limited to, the following information for every legally registered voter in this State:
(1)last, first and middle name;
(2)street address at time of registration or rural route, box number or apartment number, if any;
(3)city or municipality, and zip code;
(4)date of birth;
(5)telephone number and e-mail address, if provided on voter registration form;
(6)previous name or address if individual re-registered due to change of name or address;
(7)ward and election district number, if either is available;
(8) (a) current and valid New Jersey driver's license number; or
(b)if the registrant has not been issued a New Jersey driver's license number, the last four digits of the registrant's social security number; or
(c)unique identifying number for any individual who has not been issued the information sought in subparagraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph;
(9)notation that a copy of one of the following documents has been submitted with the voter registration application, if required: current and valid photo identification card; a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, pay check or any other government document showing the registrant's name and current address;
(10) the method by which the individual registered and whether that person needs to provide additional identification information to vote using a voting machine instead of a provisional ballot;
(11) political party affiliation, if designated;
(12) digitalized signature;
(13) date of registration or re-registration;
(14) name and street address of the individual assisting in the completion of the form, if the applicant for registration is unable to do so;
(15) voting participation record for ten-year period; and
(16) any other information required pursuant to Pub.L.107-252 (42 U.S.C. s.15301 et seq.), or Title 19 of the Revised Statutes, or that the Secretary of State determines is necessary to assess the eligibility of an individual to be registered to vote and to vote in this State.
L.2005, c.145, s.1; amended 2009, c.79, s.32; 2009, c.287, s.2.