19:31-13.1 - Previous registration in another county;  notice;  transfer to  inactive file

19:31-13.1.  Previous registration in another county;  notice;  transfer to  inactive file    When a person appears to register in any county of this State, and in answer  to the statement on the registration forms, to wit:   "Municipality, house  number and street address from which last registered,"  such person gives  information as to previous registration in another county of this State, the  commissioner of registration of the county in which such person newly registers  shall forthwith notify the commissioner of registration of the county in which  such person was last registered, by postal card signed by the registrant, of  the new registration, upon receipt of which information the said commissioner  shall transfer the registration forms of such person to the inactive file  without any publication thereof being required.

     L.1947, c. 414, p. 1288, s. 1.