19:3-3 - Election of delegates, alternates at presidential primary election

19:3-3  Election of delegates, alternates at presidential primary election.
19:3-3.  Delegates and alternates to the national conventions of the political parties held in each presidential year shall be elected at the presidential primary election to be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in February in that year.

The members of State, county and municipal committees of the political parties shall be chosen at the primary for the general election as hereinafter provided.

Amended 1946, c.11, ss.2,17 (1946, c.11, ss.2,17; repealed 1948, c.2, s.32); 1948, c.2, s.2; 1965, c.4, s.2; 1974, c.9, s.1; 1976, c.26; 2005, c.136, s.3; 2007, c.61, s.2.