19:29-3 - Filing of certain petitions

19:29-3  Filing of certain petitions.

19:29-3.  The petition contesting any nomination to public office, election to party office or position, election as a delegate or alternate in a presidential primary or the proposal of any proposition shall be filed not later than 10 days after the primary election.

The petition contesting any election to public office or approval or disapproval of any proposition shall be filed not later than 30 days after such election, unless the ground of action is discovered from the statements, deposit slips or vouchers filed under this Title, subsequent to such primary or other election, in which event such petition may be filed 10 or 30 days respectively after such statements, deposit slips or vouchers are filed.

Any petition of contest may be filed within 10 days after the result of any recount has been determined or announced.

Amended 1956, c.128, s.3; 2005, c.136, s.42.