19:28-3 - Recount;  order and proceedings

19:28-3.  Recount;  order and proceedings
    Such judge shall be authorized to order upon such terms as he deems proper a  recount of the votes as he may determine, to be publicly made under his direction by the county board.  Such board shall have power to subpoena witnesses to testify and produce documents and paraphernalia as it may determine, after three days' notice of the time and place of the recount has been given by such applicant or group of applicants to such interested party or  parties as the judge may direct.  The members of the district board shall be  subpoenaed to be present at the recount to witness the opening of the ballot  box or boxes used in their election district and to give such testimony as the  county board deems necessary.  The judge shall have power to decide all  disputed questions which the county board shall fail to decide by a majority  vote.

     Amended by L.1953, c. 19, p. 340, s. 29.